Friday, March 24, 2006

'X' hits the spot today

While the mail hasn't been pouring in lately, I have been very busy sending out requests. I'm trying to send out extras to make up for February when I was sick and didn't get as many out as I had hoped. I'm very excited about some of the people I've written to (or are about to write to) and getting them back.

Vinnie Jones - Sent: 2/13/06 Received: 3/24/06. How excited am I today? "X-men 3: The Last Stand" hits theatres at the end of May. It might be the #1 movie I'm most excited about seeing this year (with "Superman Returns" a close second). Today's mail brings my first success from "X3", Vinnie Jones who will play "Cain Marko (aka: The Juggernaut"). I sent a "Juggernaut" photo to him (in London) with a silver sharpie (since the photo is pretty dark). He didn't use the sharpie (which is ok) but signed the photo where the autograph would still be visible. "X3" reunited Vinnie with Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry whom he worked on the movie "Swordfish". Vinnie was also in the movie "She's The Man" which I just saw in the theatre this week. A nice addition to my "X-men" collection.

Vinnie Jones as "Juggernaut" from "X-men 3"


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