Monday, September 25, 2006

Beautiful mail

Not one but two beautiful women arrived with today's mail.

Kristin Davis - Sent: 4/29/06 Received: 9/25/06. In early May Kristin spent a week performing a play in London. I wrote to her via the venue and today received my photo and index card back signed and personalized. (This thing must have traveled because the postmark was Columbia, SC). I was very excited to get this back because I loved her in everything I've seen, especially "Sex & The City". Not only a great actress but a classic beauty, reminiscent of a modern day Jaclyn Smith.

Kristin Davis signed photo (above) & index card (below)

Rebecca Romijn - Sent: 9/5/06 Received: 9/25/06. Beneath the blue make up, body paint and appliques in the "X-men" movies lies another beautiful woman - Rebecca Romijn, who plays "Mystique". She wasn't in much of "X-men 3" but she did make the most out of her on screen time. This was my fourth attempt and first success at getting her autograph. Many times I've watched other people get a success from her at the same address I used while mine went unanswered. I have to say it's nice to finally get my turn. Rebecca has been on many movies, TV shows (including her own, "Pepper Dennis"), is an accomplished model and was once married to actor John Stamos.

Finally a success from Rebecca Romijn (click to enlarge)


Blogger Angie said...

Cool successes, Ryan. I'm not surprised Kristen Davis' postmark was Columbia, S.C. Her father was one of my professors at the University of South Carolina in Columbia several years ago, and she was known to visit him on campus then (this was back when she was on Melrose Place).

8:27 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Thanks for the post Angie. I didn't know Kristen's ties to Columbia. Sounds like more proof that the signature is authentic. Thanks again!


8:40 PM  
Blogger Jim Quinton said...

Glad to see that you've had several successes since the last time I logged on earlier this week. I love Rebecca myself, Pepper Dennis was one of my favorite sitcoms and I never missed it! (You know I'll have to own the box set when it eventually gets released) :-)

6:02 AM  

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