Thursday, July 14, 2005

Enjoying my 'somer'

Dry spell over (hopefully!). I finally got my first success for the month today. Talk about a great one too:

Suzanne Somers - Sent: 7/5/05 Received: 7/14/05. When I was a kid I thought there was nothing funnier than the opening of "Three's Company" where "Janet" was watering the flowers and accidentally watered "Chrissy" who was sun bathing. I've been watching for a working address on Suzanne Somers for years. I was real excited to find out that she was doing a Broadway play (which opened last week), so I sent two photos to her there in care of the theatre. I though the roller skating picture would look great signed with a purple sharpie so I sent a marker too. In the last few days I've read of people who were getting successes from her via the play so I hoped that mine would be coming. And today it arrived signed in purple sharpie (which she even returned). To give you an idea how rare she is to get, prior to this month "Star Archive" had not even had a success listed on her since December of 2003 (which was an in-person success).

Suzanne Somers (click to enlarge)


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