Monday, January 16, 2006

Share your autograph with me

How did I get a success on a day when the post office is closed for a holiday? Well it was actually delivered Saturday (to work) and I got it today when I showed up. And it made the first day of the work week a lot easier to get through.

Kenny Rogers - Sent: 11/14/05 Received: 1/14/06. I met Kenny (for the second time) in Dubuque, Iowa last month. (See photo below). But he doesn't sign during his meet & greets. I knew someone at his management office that was kind enough to have me send my cd insert to him and he had Kenny sign it when he came into the office. It would take too long to list all my favorite songs of his but some special ones that come to mind right away include "You Decorated My Life", "You Were A Good Friend", "Islands In The Stream" and "Twenty Years Ago". If you ever get a chance to see him in concert, make sure to go. He puts on a fantastic show that is very interactive with the audience.

Kenny Rogers signed cd insert (click to enlarge)

Me with Kenny Rogers 12/13/05 in Dubuque, Iowa


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